Daily Classes to Unblock Your Chakras
Opening up the 5th Chakra, the Throat and Voice emanates from the Heart. The Throat represents our inner child and our willingness to listen to and speak our own truth. The first step is to feel it and then give those feelings expression through sound, connecting with even the most inexpressible feelings needing escape from the soul.
Ongoing Daily classes. Register here.
This training is not just about how you sound, it’s about engaging the real you and mastering the art of self-expression.
Sound Healing by engaging your voice as an instrument is learning to master and direct energy at its best. In particular, this brand of healing touches the emotional body, often releasing a well of suppressed energy, freeing the body and mind.
There are thought processes that are happening subconsciously. Healing with sound can help you learn about them and open all your Chakras in the process.
Not only will you receive healing, but through this training, you will thoroughly come to understand how to do it yourself!
You see that it serves us all to find and accept our own voice!
When you allow yourself to live through your own emotional issues, fears and limitations through your own sound, you are better able to accept them as part of who you are. As a result, you will feel relieved and reconnected to your True Self. Using your voice in such a powerful way helps you to make greater contributions to the world because you are no longer afraid of allowing your voice - yourself - to be heard!
“The sound of your own voice can help you work through emotional issues without having to consciously explain them and without any pressure from the outside world!”

Those who have taken this course repeatedly report spontaneous and miraculous changes in their ability to stand Up for themselves and the eradication of self-doubt and Persistant Worry About whether they did the right thing.
Training Sequence:
Slow Bows/Bowing Meditation Sequence
Calm the mind and come back to yourself through conscious movements designed to gently work the entire body while opening the energy channels
Chakra Activation Vibration
Natural, focused, and concentrated movements can open the chakras with intention
Throat and Voice Training by Chakra
By combining different sounds and actively using your voice, individual chakras will circulate energy and blocks will be released.
Sound Healing
A combination of voice and instruments to soothe, rebalance, and empower
Integration & Sharing
Strengthen and reinforce your experience by sharing with others in the group. This will integrate the mind, body, and spirit to align with the healing experienced
Course Details
Daily Classes to Unblock Your Chakras
Sign Up
Live classes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays for 35 minutes.
Fee: $20/class
1st (Root) Chakra Classes: Oct 18
2nd (Sacral) Chakra Classes: Oct 22
3rd (Solar Plexus) Chakra Classes: Oct 8, Oct 24
4th (Heart) Chakra Classes: Oct 10, Oct 25
5th (Throat) Chakra Classes: Oct 11, Oct 29
6th (Third Eye) Chakra Classes: Oct 15, Oct 31
7th (Crown) Chakra Classes: Oct 17, Nov 1
More classes to be announced for November & December.
Sessions will NOT be recorded.
Location: Online
Kristen | Coordinator + Co-Trainer
Jennifer Rose | Co-Trainer