If you want to understand the role of your sexuality in your Intuition, then this course is for you.
Intuition and Sacred Sexuality in 7-Weeks
Contact us for starting dates.
Online Course
Becoming one with Your sexual life force is to take complete ownership of it and what You manifest.
If you are alive, then you are sexual. Few if any of us were given examples of healthy sexuality in motion. From the earliest programming in fairy tales and popular shows, to the living examples Close to us that we held in our childhood, sexual shaming is rampant.
For most of us, coming of age, though a time of intense discovery around our bodies and minds, lacked mentoring around this powerful and bold energy inside of us. Good information was practically inaccessible or shielded in secrecy, for most. So, we grow up and become adults who experience sexual desire with confusion, no matter how adept and open we think we are.
Life force energy, Prana, Chi, these are all words aiming to describe the 'what' that makes us live beings. What's more is Sexual energy is Life force energy. Sexual energy is Chi. It is the intentional separation of these two concepts that causes all the conflict between Light and Divinity and our Sexuality, riddled with guilt, shame and fear. You can only imagine the kind of damage this separation has imparted to us. We literally restrict access to our own Chi because feeling and expressing the full breadth of our sexuality is just too much. You must also understand that all of your guilt, shame and fear regarding things that have little or nothing to do with your sexuality, will still reflect in your sexuality because those feelings are stored in the cellular memory around the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Chakras, which also comprise your sexual organs. So if you want to unblock yourself in this aspect, you have to look at your relationship with your own Sexual feelings.
Over the course of the many years I have been teaching about intuition, the necessity for teaching around energy, intuition and sexuality has become more than apparent to me. For this reason, I have made the decision to offer a more in-depth teaching.
“The sexual force is an expression of consciousness reaching for fusion. You all know that fusion, which you can also call integration, unification, or oneness (COMPLETION) is the purpose of Creation. Whatever term you use, the final aim of all split-off beings is to reunify the individualized, separated aspects of the greater consciousness with the whole. The split-off aspects are integrally connected to a great force that motivates individuals to strive toward unification. The pull of this force is irresistible: it exists in all organisms--even in inanimate ones, where human intelligence and perception cannot yet observe it. The power of sexuality in its most ideal form can convey more fully than any other human experience what spiritual bliss, oneness, and timelessness are. In the total sexual experience you break through the confines of time and separateness to which your limited mind has bound you. Through such an experience, you are reminded of your true existence in the eternal. The blissful experience of fusion and the sense of timelessness in the sexual union depend on the unification of the individuals in question, and therefore on their attitudes on all levels of their being.
If the sexual experience is an expression of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels, and if these levels are unified with each other without any conflict, then the people who express their being on all these levels in accordance with spiritual law have a sexual experience as complete, fulfilling, rich, joyous, nourishing, sustaining, furthering and reminiscent of spiritual reality as any human experience can be. Then in that blissful experience of total union the fulfillment transcends personal satisfaction and enrichment. In this way these individuals are also fulfilling a task in the universe. This may seem strange, for the human brain is used to equating task and fulfillment with something arduous, difficult, or even unpleasant. In reality, the more complete the joy, pleasure, bliss, and ecstasy, the more creative power is added to the universal reservoir. Each such experience is like a new star lighting up somewhere in Creation, and becoming yet another torch in the darkness of the void that is destined to be filled.” (Excerpt from The Sexual Symbolism and Significance of Sexuality by Eva Brochure Pierrakos)

What you will learn
Each week we will cover a new and exciting topic...
*There is no nudity in this course.
Week 1: Divine Feminine and Masculine interplay.
Week 2: Conscious Communication
Overcoming the differences between masculine and feminine communion around their wants and needs.
Week 3: Energy, Sex and Orgasm
Orgasm as an energetic phenomenon that goes far beyond its physical container.
Week 4: Boundaries and Consent
Sexual empathy, give and take and conceptualizing healthy boundaries.
Week 5: Conscious Touch
What is unconscious touch? What is conscious touch?
Week 6: Transformational Breathwork
Learning how to circulate sexual energy constructively.
Week 7: Sexual/Relational paths including Monogamy, Celibacy, Polyamory
Course Details
Sacred Sexuality Course
7-weeks; 1.5hrs/week
Sign Up
Wednesdays. Dates to be announced.
Intuitive Reader Certification Course or Energy Healer Certification
What You’ll Learn:
The dynamics between intuition and the various forms of sexuality.
Yolessa | Director + Trainer
Kristen | Coordinator