Take your Energy Work to the next level.
By Training yourself to Bring the Connection between Your Physical sensations and your thoughts and emotions to Greater consciousness, you will come to know what’s happening inside of you and around you at lightning speed all the time and in greater dimension.
…and you’ll be able to manage it.
Advanced Energy & Consciousness Shifting
Online Course - Register Here
More dates to be announced.
This course is designed to integrate the various ways we can know and heal with energy into visceral experiences of the laws and principles from Nature, in the body.
Ask Yourself These Questions…
Are you feeling the pull to further increase your ability to perceive and transmute energy?
Do you want more action power for manifestation in your life?
Do you still feel like you need to increase your mental and emotional resilience?
Do you want greater immunity from other peoples' energetic stuff?
Do you want to overcome pain or other health conditions?

A resulting increase in consciousness and one’s identity as a soul, free of limitations, is promised. When the phenomenon of energy is understood inside of the laws and principles of Nature, it puts all of our struggles into context and shows us the way out of them. Even so, without realizing those laws and principles, as a real perceivable event, in the physical body it doesn’t really become a true superpower that we can use intentionally. By gently challenging the limitations of your physical body, you are putting into question the legitimacy of your doubts and fears so that you can overcome them. This training is designed to be somewhat physically challenging, so that we examine the relationship between our want for comfort, freedom from pain and the Soul’s wish to take the driving seat in your life.
get ready to create a profound and lasting expansion in awareness and understanding of the messages in your thoughts and feelings, as produced by your own body through this course.

This is what you will experience In a series of 12 sessions:
Training to increase the awareness of your hidden thoughts and emotions
Training to increase conscious awareness of various energetic structures like Chakras and various “Dahnjons” so you can recognize when they are depleted and when they are full.
Chigong energy accumulation postures and sequences to practice the pull and push, and giving and receiving phenomena of energy.
Meridian exercises to open specific energy channels and increase the health of specific organs, and increase your ability to accept and circulate energy related to anger, anxiety, fear, grief and joy.
Hwalgong (self-massage) to increase blood and energy circulation throughout the digestive system and in the womb.
Bowing sequences to increase magnetism (manifestation) and strength in the heart.
Course Details
Energy & Consciousness Shifting Course - Online
1.5 hrs/week
Sign Up
Wednesdays. Dates to be announced.
Enrolled or Finished with Intuitive Reader Certification.
What You’ll Learn:
Gain a deep understanding of how your consciousness and mindset affect your energy and vice-versa.
Learn how to identify thoughts, feelings, and emotions by stimulating the body. Learn how to use them to uncover deeper understanding of yourself and recover the 0-point.
Yolessa | Director + Trainer
Kristen | Coordinator