Heal deep and old emotional wounds for good
8-Weeks of Advanced Emotion Mapping Will Help You gain critical insight into particular issues or situations To identify the underlying trauma and Eliminate it in yourself and In others.
Emotion mapping helps you and others move forward from trauma resulting in unconscious sabotaging behavioral patterns into peace and unconditional love.
Pre-requisite: The Intuitive Reader Certification
Advanced Online Course
More dates to be announced.
What am I feeling right now that i’m afraid to admit? And…why am i afraid to admit it?
The Emotion Mapping course offers an opportunity to gain more experience in the process of self-examination and self-acceptance and a specific method of Emotional Healing called ‘Emotion Mapping’ to help others heal and to heal yourself.
Gaining mastery in Emotion Mapping begins with understanding its underlying laws and principles. When you understand that every symptom is part of a meaningful biological and energetic program, you can then be in control of any potentially traumatic situation. You are able to quickly overcome any panic or fear, and prevent new conflicting shocks, new symptoms and new trauma from entering your energetic, emotional and physical bodies.
Free from fear, you can fully concentrate consciously on the conflict resolution and minimize the healing crisis in new situations and for older traumas.
Since the trauma symptoms are always proportional to the severity of the conflict, downgrading an intense conflict is a most important step. You can start the healing process by reducing the intensity of the conflict, for example, by finding partial resolutions or changing your attitude. Meditation and healing measures or the like also decreases the trauma symptoms of the conflict.
When you have an in-depth knowledge of Emotion Mapping you know how to support the healing process without interfering with it or causing any harm. The goal is to let the Natural Healing System do its magic. As a human being we possess an inexhaustible creativity and remarkable self-healing capabilities. This intuitive process restores our trust in nature as a creative and intelligent force.
Confronting your conflict on a smaller scale and step by step provides better conditions for the healing phase when you hit the jackpot and become able to resolve the trauma at the root—where it entered your body.
The result is a radically positive quantum shift of reality that affects every area of your life including relationships, career, money, purpose work, and all kinds of other manifestations, PLUS you can experience immediate healing energetically and sometimes physically from conditions you’ve endured for a lifetime.
“What I have come to define Emotion Mapping is, in fact, as an energetic process of entering deep into the consciousness of the client to resolve trauma for good. By intending to become one with all aspects of the client’s being, including the repressed aspects, from the point of view of cosmic consciousness, it is them, the client, who is energetically giving me direction, from the perspective of their higher self, on exactly how to help them heal their trauma from the root. I simply know how to follow the signs, something you'll gain in this teaching.”
Yolessa K. Lawrinnce, Course Instructor and Psychic-Medium

What you will learn
If you've ever done Shamanic journeying you would find that this is not a dissimilar process. The client enters into a dream state where he/she confronts his/her "ghosts"/inner demons that can show up in the form of animals typically, as they represent aspects of the emotional body that are connected to fear and survival conflicts. It is important that the person be guided to reclaim or make these spirits submit and bring them back with them so to speak. It’s a process of reclaiming fragmented aspects of the self.
Now, this all sounds very abstract. However, when someone is going through the emotion mapping process, it’s really not abstract at all. You, in essence, as the guide, allow them to use your developed energetic senses (which your clients have as well, but unaware of them because their senses might be latent), to communicate with their traumas and release them. You are engaging the spiritual and mental planes simultaneously to inquiry, to search and transmute energy.
When the energy moves, you know it, because you and the client feel and sense the frequency change as a real experience in the mind and body. Things begin to flow, sometimes bringing forth tears and various other feelings.
The results of this kind of emotional processing are profound. Issues you've had an entire lifetime can be healed, so they no longer act as blocks to creating a life you actually want.
Course Details
Emotion Mapping Course - Online
1.5 hrs/week
Sign Up
Saturdays. More dates to be announced.
Enrolled or Finished with Intuitive Reader Certification. Previous experience with Emotion Mapping.
What You’ll Learn:
Gain a deep understanding of the 5 Laws and Principles underlying Emotion Mapping.
Learn about the most common universal conflicts humans possess and how to recognize them (there are 8).
Practice emotion mapping on others with my guidance.
Practice emotion mapping on yourself with my guidance.
Yolessa | Director + Trainer
Kristen | Coordinator